Supplements in the News

Nutrient Depletion of our Foods
by Lyle MacWilliamNutriSearch co-founder and author of the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements™
“Nations endure only as long a...

Side Benefits, Not Side Effects
My 5-year-long self-experiment with lipoprotein(a) therapy -- to cure my heart disease -- has not been without side effects. [1] However, these side effects are not ones that I would ask my doctor or pharmacist about. These side effects are also not the ones that most doctors over-caution about: for example, hypervitaminosis, toxicity, heart damage, inflammation of the stomach lining, and even carcinogenic effects.

'Ministry of Truth' vs Nutritional Medicine
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 6, 2022
Commentary by Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB
OMNS (Jan. 6, 2022) Just outsi...

Bee gold: Honey as a superfood
From pesticide detox to increased longevity, the benefits of the sweet stuff go well beyond simply nourishing the hardworking insects in the hive

Curcumin and pepper may help with blood sugar
A study from Brazil suggests that the combination of curcumin and piperine, the active ingredient in black pepper, may be even more effective than curcumin alone at improving blood sugar, and triglyceride levels in diabetics.

COVID – A Wakeup Call for Our Love of Mac and Cheese
A recent Townsend Letter article by certified nutritional therapist Mary Budinger, NTP, notes that diseases related to our current diet is a large ...

Carrots are healthy, but active enzyme unlocks full benefits
University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. "Carrots are healthy, but active enzyme unlocks full benefits....

A good vitamin D status can protect against cancer
via Science Daily
A good vitamin D status is beneficial both in cancer prevention and in the prognosis of several cancers, according to a new rese...

Vitamin Supplementation Benefits are Real
Perhaps the only advantage of getting old is being able to look back and see what worked and what didn't. Knowledge of severe vitamin deficiency diseases is an example of learning the hard way. The association of vitamin B1 (thiamine) with beriberi was perhaps the first example of the consequences of refining a food. Milling away the unattractive outer husk of the rice that contained the thiamine caused the disease. No drug could substitute for that missing, essential, "vital amine." That's how "vitamins" first got their name.

The Effect of Vitamin D on Cancer Incidence and Survival
The Effect of Vitamin D on Cancer Incidence and Survival
The results of a phase 2 randomized controlled trial (RCT) of high- vs. low-dose vitamin D3 supplementation for 139 patients with advanced colorectal cancer taking chemotherapy was recently reported in JAMA
The Importance of Fat-Soluble Vitamins
by Dr. Nikola Djordjevic August 9, 2018
Staying fit is one of the most important things that one should do in order to lead a heal...

Dietary Supplements Under Attack Again
Commentary by Bill Sardivia Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
(OMNS Aug 31 2018) Here we go again. Another physician says there "no case for vi...
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